Vintage Blush
This beautiful bouquet is made up of pink lilies and blush roses, surrounded by delicate white alstroemeria and chrysanthemum
Amanda & Jodie Say
'Your Lily will be sent in bud, with the flowers less open than they appear in the image above, this is to allow plenty of time to be enjoyed at home'
X3 Pink Roses
X1 Pink Lily
X3 Lollipop Chrysanthemum
X4 Alstroemeria
X5 Pink Roses
X2 Pink Lily
X3 Lollipop Chrysanthemum
X5 Alstroemeria
X7 Pink Roses
X3 Pink Lily
X3 Lollipop Chrysanthemum
X7 Alstroemeria
You deserve the best. If an item is unavailable, we’ll sub in products of equal or greater value
This item requires 1 days notice to order.